20 November, 2009

13 November, 2009

05 November, 2009

55. The way of many-worlds.

Thanks for the idea Ego!

15 October, 2009

54. The way of unthinking

Thanks to Pandy for the inspiration of this strip!

09 October, 2009

01 October, 2009

24 September, 2009

17 September, 2009

10 September, 2009

07 September, 2009

04 September, 2009

28 August, 2009

21 August, 2009

15 August, 2009

07 August, 2009

44. The way of thinking.

Zen is back, back again

This strip has so ferocious followers that i couldn't stand watching this situation anymore. And since Mike Storms has been so busy with the other two comics i felt the urge to continue the Zen Saga.

Strange things could happen since this is the first time i am writing this strip. Maybe the humor changes maybe it doesn't. Anyways here it is again.

Hi to manchita, José Eduardo, Anita, RoboTat, Diego and Ette, great followers of the Zen Way and to all the readers that i don't have yet the pleasure to know.

29 May, 2009

Zen is when....

I tried to avoid this, but it's awfully hard to keep 3 webcomics going. We have very few readers in Dragon and Tiger, but the quality of the feedbac'is so good it's always worth it.

I like this "blank" storyline and think it deserves to be told, but we'll have to wait until July.

Meanwhile, thanks for everything. The concept of this comic is so simple sometimes it's very hard to make, but it is always fulfilling, like a story told among friends.


14 May, 2009

11 May, 2009

01 May, 2009

25 April, 2009

16 April, 2009

10 April, 2009

27 March, 2009

20 March, 2009

13 March, 2009

06 March, 2009

27 February, 2009

19 February, 2009

12 February, 2009

06 February, 2009

29 January, 2009

22 January, 2009

16 January, 2009

10 January, 2009

01 January, 2009